1 #ifndef _SEMIO_ROS_HUMANOIDSINKADAPTER_H_ 2 #define _SEMIO_ROS_HUMANOIDSINKADAPTER_H_ 5 #include <ros/node_handle.h> 28 HumanoidSinkAdapter( ::ros::NodeHandle
const & nh_rel, std::string
const & default_sink =
"ros" );
63 #endif // _SEMIO_ROS_HUMANOIDSINKADAPTER_H_ decltype(std::make_shared< HumanoidSink >()) typedef Ptr
Utility class to simplify the creation of semio::HumanoidSink instances.
::ros::NodeHandle _nh_rel
NodeHandle copy for interfacing with ROS.
HumanoidSinkAdapter(::ros::NodeHandle const &nh_rel, std::string const &default_sink="ros")
std::string _default_sink
The type of sink to use by default if param mode is selected and the ROS param _humanoid_sink/type is...
HumanoidSink::Ptr getHumanoidSink(std::string const &sink="param")
Create a semio::HumanoidSink.